Publication Ethics
The PUSAR (Public Sector Accounting Review) adheres to the strictest guidelines for academic publishing. Authors are required to confirm that they have read and cooperated with the PUSAR Journal's regulations before submitting a submission. Any article that the editor feels might not adhere to these standards may be rejected by the PUSAR Journal without review or retracted. The following outlines the responsibilities that the journal's publishers, editors, reviewers, and authors have with relation to research and publishing ethics. This statement is based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
The act of submitting a manuscript to the Dental Journal means that it has never been published before, either in whole or in part, in any language, is not currently in press, and is not being considered for publication anywhere else. If authors are aware of any relevant papers that are being considered, in press, or published elsewhere, they must notify the editors. A manuscript's presence on a publicly available preprint server does not imply previous publication (see "Preprints"). Authors must first withdraw their paper from the journal if they decide to submit it elsewhere before a judgment or the final decision has been made on whether or not it should be published there